Friday, August 29, 2008

Slitting Metal

How does this process work? A large metal coil, (brass, copper, stainless, steel, clad, aluminum), is brought on and hoisted on to a machine called a slitter. A slitter has very sharp blades or knives that cuts the coil to specific widths and lengths. As the metal is cut it falls into a deep hole in the floor as it slowly winds to the other end with the cuts in place. It's interesting to watch because you can't imagine a coil that big, small, thick or thin being cut like it's butter. It's also amazing to see the bigger coils being cut to many smaller sized coils. We will be putting a video on our website shortly showing how metal is slit Almetals slits coil metal to .002" - .190" (0.508 mm - 4.626 mm) thick and in widths ranging from .250" - 60" (6.365 mm - 1524 mm).

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